Your car gives you the freedom to explore at your own pace and you don’t have to worry about pesky baggage limits, or whether your kids are disturbing row F! Whether you're planning a staycation or to take the Eurotunnel Le Shuttle to France, here are 10 things to think about before embarking on a road trip.


1. Have a rough plan, but be flexible

Plan a rough route, keeping in mind that you’ll probably want to make lots of stops along the way. When you’re on the road, plans can often go out the window, so just sit back, relax and see where the journey takes you.

2. Get a Sanef Toll Tag

If you’re planning on doing lots of driving in France, it’s a good idea to get a buy a Sanef Toll Tag. Rather than having to stop at toll stations, which are found on many major roads in France, you can beat the queues and drive straight through.

3. Create a playlist before you set off

Music is a vital part of any car journey, no matter how long it is. If you’re travelling with friends, get everyone to make their own playlist. If you’re travelling with family, this is a great activity to do with the kids.

4. Pick some good car games

Like music, car games are a great way to pass the time, especially if you’re travelling with kids. You’ve got your classics, like I Spy and 20 questions, but you can find plenty of other games online. Do a quick search and print off a few different options.

5. Pack plenty of snacks

Everyone gets hungry during a car journey, which is why you’ve got to pack lots of tasty snacks. Too much sugar can make children hyperactive, so opt for low-sugar snacks like trail mix. Road-tripping with friends? Do a supermarket dash.

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6. Invest in multi-USB charger

A multi-USB charger will plug into your car’s cigarette lighter and allow you charge up to four devices at a time, which is particularly important if you’re using your phone as a GPS system.

7. Get roadside assistance cover

While some cover packages may include travel in other countries, the majority do not. If you’re not covered for journeys in mainland Europe, you can find many comprehensive breakdown cover at competitive prices.

8. Wear comfortable clothes

If you’re travelling in the car for an extended period of time, it’s a good idea to be as comfortable as possible. Pick clothing that’s comfortable and loose, and remember to keep a jumper or cardigan at hand for chilly evenings.

9. Stop at lots of places

One of the best things about travelling by car is the freedom it gives you. You can drive wherever you want, whenever you want, and you won’t have to deal with stressful flights or unreliable public transport. Make the most of this freedom and stop at lots of places along the way. You never know what you might find there.

10. Check your vehicle before you leave

As your car is going to be your main mode of transport, make sure it’s in perfect working order before you leave. If you’ve had a service recently, then you’re good to go. If you haven’t, book it in for a quick check-up to avoid any nasty surprises later on.

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