The machinations of the evil Monks continue in next week’s episode – but what can we expect?


What’s it called?

Next week’s episode is called The Lie of the Land, marking it as one of the more puntastic titles we’ve seen in this year’s Who.

When is it on TV?

The episode will air on BBC1 on Saturday 3rd June at 7:35pm, 10 minutes earlier than the previous week’s airtime.

What happens in it?


Following the events of seventh episode The Pyramid at the End of the World, the Earth has been taken over by the Monks – and only Bill can save the day.

As series showrunner Steven Moffat exclusively told us:

“I’m sorry, Bill, I really wanted to make you see!”

“Oh my God, this is real. You’re really doing this!”

The world is gripped by a mass delusion and only Bill Potts can see the truth. When even the Doctor is fighting on the wrong side, it’s up to Bill to convince the Time Lord that humanity is in deadly danger. And if she can’t do that, she may just have to kill her best friend.

Who’s in it?

Peter Capaldi, Pearl Mackie and Matt Lucas continue to star as the Doctor, Bill and Nardole respectively, with Michelle Gomez returning as evil Time Lord Missy.

The episode will also star Rosie Jane, Emma Handy, Jamie Hill, Solomon Israel and Beatrice Curnew among others.

Who’s written it?

Toby Whithouse, who has previously penned Doctor Who episodes including School Reunion, The Vampires of Venice, The God Complex, A Town Called Mercy and Under the Lake/Before the Flood, as well as Torchwood story Greeks Bearing Gifts. He is also the creator of TV series The Game and Being Human.

The episode was directed by Wayne Yip.

Who are the baddies?


Once again it’s those pesky Monks, who have managed to take over the world after the events of seventh episode The Pyramid at the End of the World.

Anything else?


By this point we’re pretty sure that we’re going to see a mini-regeneration for Peter Capaldi’s Doctor in this episode, with the Time Lord healing some sort of injury without actually changing his appearance.


Then again we’ve been wrong before, so maybe keep yourself stocked up with pinch-sized rations of salt going forward.


Huw FullertonCommissioning Editor

Huw Fullerton is a Commissioning Editor for Radio Times magazine, covering Entertainment, Comedy and Specialist Drama.
