One of the more enigmatic reveals among Disney's tsunami of Star Wars live-action films and live-action and animated series on its Investor Day in December was the announcement of Star Wars: Rangers of the New Republic.


Details are sketchy on this, unlike the other spin-off from global Disney+ hit series The Mandalorian, Ahsoka Tano, but here is what we do know about the other spin-off.

Rangers of the New Republic is set within the same timeline as The Mandalorian and will also be executive-produced by that show's creators Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni.

When is Star Wars: Rangers of the New Republic released on Disney+?

The schedule for Star Wars: Rangers of the New Republic not yet been announced by Disney+. Expect details of a potential release date when all episodes of The Mandalorian season two have launched on Disney+ in late December.

Who will star in Star Wars: Rangers of the New Republic?

It's not yet known who will star in Rangers of the New Republic.

What is Star Wars: Rangers of the New Republic about?

We have to preface that this is educated speculation, but Rangers of the New Republic takes place in an environment where the military capabilities of the New Republic have been stripped back in line with the Galactic Concordance, much to the fury of rebel hero Leia Organa.

We know remnants of the Empire remain active and desperate to return to power, so the rangers could well be the outliers whose mission is to quell these incursions.

But who are the rangers? Insider tips include the New Republic-appointed local sheriffs called Marshalls, possibly including Cobb Vance played by Timothy Olyphant in The Mandalorian season 3.

Speculation has also centred on X-Wing pilots Carson Teva (Paul Sun-Hyung Lee) and Trapper Wolf (Dave Filoni), who some fans are speculating are rangers already.

Of course, it's also possible that the Rangers of the New Republic will introduce entirely new characters.

Is there a trailer for Star Wars: Rangers of the New Republic?

There is no official trailer for Rangers of the New Republic, but we will upload it as soon as it is released.


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