9 MORE American words in TV and movies that Brits find confusing
Grits? Boogers? You probably imagined all sorts of things the first time you heard these words...

I look good. Share me.

Cook out of where? Cooking out doors? Like a BBQ? Or is it nothing to do with food at all and we're just pronouncing it wrong?

For a while we thought maybe it was how some US states pronounce a certain British profanity...

Is this something to do with boats? Fishing? The Navy?

So this is a single guy who's just really feminine? Or a woman who is single and has a really nice flat with loads of gadgets, a beer fridge and a massive bed?

What is it? A type of animal? A DIY tool?

Is this an American slush puppy? Or do they mean those shoes? Or do they just breed dogs that don't bark?

Take out what? Where?

Just too many tenses here to deal with.

Cut what out? From where? Is this a medical thing?