He's killed a guest on his chat show, told Sue Cook to take a running jump and pushed a wedge of cheese into a BBC executive's face, and as if all that wasn't enough Alan Partridge is to take on an entire media organisation in his first big screen adventure.


Armando Ianuncci, who co-created the fictitious DJ with actor Steve Coogan, said that the hotly anticipated film would be based around Partridge’s objections to a takeover of his local digital radio station, which will see North Norfolk Digital suffer an ignominious re-branding.

Speaking at a BAFTA screening of his US comedy series Veep, Iannucci said: "Alan is in Norwich. It's not 'Alan goes to Hollywood'; it's not 'Alan invaded by aliens' or anything like that. He's on North Norfolk Digital, which is taken over by a bigger media conglomerate and has it's name changed to Shape. And that kicks everything off."

Some commentators have already likened the plot of the Partridge film to Steve Coogan’s real-life legal battle with Rupert Murdoch's News International over phone hacking , which was settled earlier this year.

Iannucci added that the script was currently being finalised with a view to putting the film into production towards the end of this year or the beginning of 2013.


Alan Partridge returns to TV this Monday in Welcome to the Places of my Life on Sky Atlantic.

