Who do you play?
Josie is probably the one who does the washing up when nothing is clean. She is the housemate that if people haven't come back after a night out then she'd stay up and wait for them, worrying in that mothering way which could probably get quite annoying. But she still makes some dreadful decisions...


Where did you study?
I went to the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, which was great but very different from a typical university. They sat us down in the first week and said: if you want to party, you've come to the wrong place. There was no lie-ins or skipping lectures. Doing this has given me an insight into what a normal three years at uni would have been like.

What do you remember about your first day?
Sitting there, petrified, and the Head of Year saying: you will never feel like this again; you won't feel the fear of the unknown from this moment on because you'll just get stuck in straightaway. He was right.

What was your accommodation like?
I've six brothers, so I'd always lived in a very male-orientated house. All of a sudden I was sharing a house with three women. I just remember going into the bathroom in the first week and being astounded at the bottles and bottles of product that covered every surface; I didn’t even know what half of them were for! I was used to a single bottle of shower gel that everyone used.

Could you cook?
I think heating up is probably a better description of it! There's a really good scene where my and Joe Thomas's character are stood side by side heating up separate jars of tomato sauce to pour on our separate bowls of pasta – and that’s exactly what it was like.


What’s your advice for this year’s freshers?
It's sounds clichéd but you do just need to be yourself. By the time you're 18, 19, you know yourself and you shouldn't go against your gut feeling, which is a temptation in the first year of university.
