It took a long time, but Norsemen is finally back on Netflix for a wacky third season, which makes one major change from the show's typical formula.


Rather than resolve season two's cliffhanger, the creators decided to tell a prequel story that expands their viking landscape, giving a glimpse at what Jarl Varg was like before he became the ruthless ruler of Norheim's rival village.

While it packs the same distinctive brand of comedy, fans are understandably anxious for the series to continue on and offer closure on its unanswered questions.

It has a good chance of doing so, as a cult fanbase has propelled the show to a prominent position in Netflix's lineup, while the creators say they're "ready" for another season and the cast would "love to do it".

In addition, Netflix appears to be supportive of showrunners Jon Iver Helgaker and Jonas Torgersen, hiring them for a brand new animated comedy about a farcical cruise ship captain.

Here's everything you need to know about Norsemen season four.

Will there be a Norsemen season 4?

Neither Norwegian channel NRK nor Netflix have announced whether Norsemen will be back for season four, but we'll keep you updated on any new developments.

It appears that a potential fourth season could head back to the show's original time period, answering the cliffhanger left lingering from season two.

"We know it’s hard getting more than three seasons," co-creator Jonas Torgersen told Variety. "But season two ended with some loose ends and scores to settle and season three expanded our universe. We would love to go on, and the actors would love to do it, so we hope it’s going to happen."

The creators previously told MEA WorldWide that they have mapped out most of the story beyond season two, "but we could not let go of the urge to tell the story that led up to season one".

The duo are also working on an animated comedy titled Captain Fall, which follows a "gullible captain" who acts as the fall guy for everything that goes wrong on his farcical cruse ship.

When could a potential Norsemen season 4 come to Netflix?


As season four has not yet been confirmed, we don't have a Netflix release date just yet.

Judging by seasons one to three, each series of Norsemen takes just over a year to be released in Norway and a further five months to arrive on Netflix for international viewers (season three aired on NRK1 in February 2020, and only landed on Netflix in July 2020).

Therefore, without taking into account any delays, predicts we could see a fourth season of Norsemen on Netflix in late 2021.

However, with the coronavirus pandemic halting production on TV series and film across the world, if season four does materialise, COVID-19 is likely to delay it even further.

Where is Norsemen filmed?

Norsemen is filmed on location, in the village of Avaldsnes, located in Norway's Karmøy municipality, Rogaland.

Speaking to What's on Netflix, creator Jon Iver Helgaker said that most of the show is filmed on the "west coast of Norway".

"Our locations are also actual locations of some of Norway's biggest Viking settlement which brings a very authentic feel to the whole thing. Nothing is done in a studio. All on location. And the Viking village is open for the public as well," he added.

Norsemen is also filmed in both English and Norwegian, with the actors recording each scene twice, which Helgaker described as a "nightmare" at first.

"For the actors, it meant a lot of text to be remembered and the confusion of jumping back and forth between Norwegian and English," he said. "And since we made this before Netflix bought it, we didn’t really have the budget or time to focus on both languages. So basically we made two shows on a budget for one and a timeframe for one. It was a lot of work."

What is Norsemen about?


Norsemen, which is set in 790s Norway, follows a group of Vikings in the town of Norheim and the day-to-day dilemmas and hilarious hijinks they find themselves dealing with whilst pillaging and plundering their neighbouring villages.

Who is in the cast of Norsemen?

Norsemen stars Henrik Mestad as village leader Chieftain Olav, and Marian Saastad (Moving On, Lilyhammer) as his wife Hildur.

The comedy also features Nils Jørgen Kaalstad as second-in-command Arvid, Kåre Conradi (Shetland, W1A, Clique) as Orm, Silje Torp as Frøya, Trond Fausa Aurvåg (Lilyhammer) as slave Rufus, Jon Øystein Mart


Series 1-3 of Norsemen are available to stream on Netflix. Looking for something else to watch? Check out our guide to the best TV series on Netflix and best movies on Netflix, or visit our TV Guide.


Lauren Morris
Lauren MorrisEntertainment and Factual Writer