Along idyllic supermarket aisles, packs of happy sausages and bags of buns are waiting excitedly, hoping they will be "chosen", put in the shopping trolley and taken home.


It's a beautiful picture – until they learn the horrible truth of what happens to food when it reaches the kitchen.

New animated movie Sausage Party looks like the ultimate Pixar parody based on the first trailer released today.

Co-written by comedy duo Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg, the story tells the tale of one sausage who sets out on a mission to warn the friendly edibles at the supermarket exactly what's in store for them. It's Toy Story meets Hannibal.

Warning: language here is definitely not Toy Story friendly, and if you don't fancy the idea of a potato being skinned alive, best look away now...


The movie also features the voices of Jonah Hill, Kristen Wiig, Bill Hader and Michael Cera, and is set for release in the UK from 12th August.
