Tonight’s one-off special of Open All Hours took us back to the Doncaster-based corner shop, where Granville is now in charge.


David Jason’s character has inherited the shop from his Uncle Arkwright – the beloved character made famous by the late Ronnie Barker.

The show was a chance to catch up with Granville, who's now got his own assistant in the form of his son Leroy, who proves to be just as popular with the female customers as Granville has always been.

The old bike was back, the old till was back and even Nurse Gladys Emmanuel, Mavis and Mrs Featherstone were checked off the list of Open All Hours favourites.

Granville certainly seemed at home in the long brown jacket, but did the show have the same magic? Was one half an hour special enough?

Let us know what you thought in the comments section below…


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