What time is Count Arthur Strong on TV?
The out-of-work actor is back for a third series of his sitcom – but when? Here's everything you need to know about the next episode...

What time is Count Arthur Strong on TV?
The third series of the sitcom continues Friday 23rd June at 8.30pm, BBC1.
Who’s in the cast?
Steve Delaney will once again play the titular count, alongside his sidekick Michael Baker (played by Rory Kinnear).
They’re join by fellow frequenters of Bulent’s Café: shady John the Watch (Andy Linden), timid Eggy (Dave Plimmer), the volcanic Bulent himself (Chris Ryman), his sweet sister Sinem (Zahra Ahmadi) and now new customer Birdie (Bronagh Gallagher).
Delaney and IT Crowd and Father Ted creator Graham Linehan have penned all episodes this series.

Will it be any good?
“A funeral photographer is not something that people will want,” says an exasperated Michael at another of Arthur’s disastrous schemes. Arthur blames his ideas people, Eggy and John, and suggests a “Soupover” to brew some fresh ones. (It’s like a sleepover, but with soup. And held during the day, even though pyjamas are worn. Go with it...)
But that’s the appeal of Steve Delaney’s wonderful creation, Arthur Strong, who’s never downhearted for long despite his myriad failings.
Michael (Rory Kinnear), keen to avoid an audience participation show that Sinem has wangled them tickets for, is initiated into the arcane ways of the Soupover – but quickly regrets his decision when he’s plunged into a Beckettian nightmare. It’s a crazy world of male weirdness and near-masonic ritual, plus one very unfortunate malapropism about Archimedes. Kinnear, the glue that binds the craziness together, is the indisputable star of this one.