When is Benidorm on TV?
Everything you need to know about the sitcom in the sun with Sherrie Hewson, Johnny Vegas and Tony Maudsley

The hopeless holiday-makers and staff of the Solana all-inclusive hotel in Benidorm are back to soak up the sun in a ninth series of the ITV sitcom. Here’s everything you need to know…
What time is it next on?
The last episode of the series is on at 9pm on Wednesday 3rd May on ITV.
Who’s in the cast?
Sherrie Hewson, Johnny Vegas and Tony Maudsley have all returned to cause havoc at the Solana resort. You can find out everything about the cast and characters here.
Where is Benidorm filmed?
The Solana doesn't actually exist but you can enjoy a pina colada at the tavern that doubles for Neptune's. Find out more about the Sol Pelícanos Ocas Hotel here.