BBC announces new dates for Andrew Neil Interviews postponed by Manchester terror attack
Jeremy Corbyn is up first as election campaigning gets back underway this Friday 26 May

Andrew Neil will grill Labour's Jeremy Corbyn this Friday 26 May on BBC1 as the party leader interviews get back underway following the Manchester terror attack.
Conservative Prime Minister Theresa May was the first to take part in the Andrew Neil interviews on Monday evening.
However, election campaigning was postponed following the Manchester concert attack on Monday night, and the scheduled interviews with the other party leaders were dropped from the schedules.
Now all four remaining interviews have been rescheduled on BBC1.
Jeremy Corbyn will take his original slot on Friday 26th May at 7pm, in what was originally meant to be the last of the interviews, while Nuttall, Nicola Sturgeon and Tim Farron's episodes will take place over the following days.
On 28th May at 6pm, Neil will interview SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon.
This will be followed by Ukip's Paul Nuttall on 29th May at 7.30pm, and Lib Dem leader Tim Farron at 7pm on 1st June, according to the editor of the BBC's Daily & Sunday Politics Robbie Gibb.
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