The BBC has pulled The Andrew Marr show from its schedules this morning while ITV’s Peston on Sunday airs as normal following a terror attack in London last night.


A white van hit pedestrians on London Bridge at about 10pm on Saturday, before three men got out and stabbed people in nearby Borough Market. At the time of writing, seven people have died – as well as the three terrorists – and 48 have been injured.

To allow for rolling news coverage, The Andrew Marr Show – scheduled from 9am to 10am on BBC1 – was pulled. Marr's interviews were instead broadcast as part of the news programme.

We're binning Marr show this morning to allow rolling news coverage but will talk to E Thornberry and D Davis for political reaction

— Andrew Marr (@AndrewMarr9) June 4, 2017

Meanwhile ITV have gone ahead with Peston on Sunday between 10am and 11am.

.@pestononsunday will be on air as normal at 10, to discuss last night's appalling events, & how the election must not be knocked off course

— Robert Peston (@Peston) June 4, 2017


Most political parties have suspended national general election campaigning in light of the attack, but UKIP leader Paul Nuttall said he would continue because stopping is "precisely what extremists would want us to do".


Ellie HarrisonWriter,