David Dimbleby kicks heckler off Question Time
“Listen, I think you ought to leave”

Question Time host David Dimbley ejected a heckling audience member from Thursday night’s show, after he repeatedly interrupted the panel.
The man in the Plymouth audience became increasingly rowdy and shouted at both Conservative MP David Lidlington and pro-EU campaigner Gina Miller.
It wasn’t long before Dimbleby laid down the law. “I think you ought to leave,” he ordered. This was met with rounds of applause from the irritated audience. The man in question and his liquorice allsorts shirt promptly skedaddled.
When David Dimbleby tells you to go, YOU GO. #bbcqt pic.twitter.com/8Dv1Gauw3I
— BBC Question Time (@bbcquestiontime) June 22, 2017
Earlier in the programme, Dimbleby had tried to calm the man down, telling him: “I know you have your views. You’re one person in an audience of 150, I don’t want you taking over this programme. He’s speaking, let him speak.”
The man was mostly shouting about how “Tories and Blairites lost the election” and calling Theresa May a “zombie prime minister”.