Greg Knight, the Conservative candidate for East Yorkshire, has become the latest unlikely hero of the election campaign (after moustache man on Question Time).


In a gloriously budget video willing his constituents to vote Conservative, Knight strolls in the door and begins a spiel with all of the obligatory buzz words like "strong and stable government" and "coalition of chaos”.

So far, so predictable. But nothing can prepare you for what comes next. It is IMPERATIVE that you watch this masterpiece right to the end.

“You get accountability, with conservative delivery.

Make sure this time you get it right, vote for Greg Kniiiiiiiiiiii-iii-iight.”

This song will never not be in your head.

A highlight is when the cameraman storms towards the Greg Knight poster. It's like an episode of Jeopardy.

The video sent Twitter into disarray...

There is so much to learn about Greg Knight.

— Dorothy (@eleventyfour) June 5, 2017

Here's a photo of Knight with said rock band...


Also, here's one of Knight's videos from 2010 which features a cat at the end, for your viewing pleasure...


Ellie HarrisonWriter,