Regional slang terms for weather like “chucking it down” and “raining cats and dogs” could soon be used in TV forecasts.


The Met Office is planning to introduce slang to its reports to increase public understanding.

Research conducted by the forecaster has found that in the Black Country, "bucketing" is a popular way of describing rain while in Birmingham and Bristol people say "tipping it down". The study also found that Londoners prefer to say “caning it”, which is news to us.

“Pouring” was the most popular term nationally.

Now the Met Office is appealing to people around the UK to suggest words used in their area with a #3wordweather hashtag on Twitter.

Here are some of our favourite suggestions so far…


But nothing can beat Big Narstie's weather report on Good Morning Britain: “Man better know it’s cold outside!”


Ellie HarrisonWriter,