Sainsbury's CEO Mike Coupe was caught hilariously unawares by ITV cameras as he sang "We're in the money" while awaiting an interview about the company's multi-billion pound merger with supermarket Asda.


Check out the clip of the businessman singing and humming the song, which originated in the 1933 musical The Gold-diggers and also features in long-running London West End show 42nd Street, below.

Coupe has since apologised, calling it "an unfortunate choice of song".

"This was an unguarded moment trying to compose myself before a TV interview," he said in a statement. "It was an unfortunate choice of song, from the musical 42nd Street which I saw last year and I apologise if I have offended anyone."

A Sainsbury's spokesman added: "We all know these songs stay in your head. To attach any wider meaning to this innocent, personal moment is preposterous.”


Sainsbury's and Asda's merger will see the company overtake Tesco as the largest supermarket chain in the UK with combined revenues of £51 billion if the deal is allowed to go through – but first politicians are urging the Competitions and Markets Authority (CMA) to investigate.

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Ben AllenOn Demand Writer,