For those occasions that scrumptious simply won't do, the Oxford English Dictionary now boasts an entry for scrumdiddlyumptious as it adds a spate of new words relating to beloved children's author Roald Dahl.


Ned Flanders will be delighted.

These Dahlesque words (itself a new entry) mark the centenary of the author's birth and include 'witching hour' (the special moment in the middle of the night when every child and every grown-up [is] in a deep deep sleep) and new sub-entry 'golden ticket'. As well as its Charlie and the Chocolate Factory connection, one is said to have first been granted to the painter and engraver William Hogarth. According to the OED, Hogarth earned free entry to the pleasure gardens of Vauxhall on receipt of the ticket, in return for paintings produced. It's not quite the same as chocolate, is it?

In addition, words including splendiferous, and splendiferousness have had updates relating to the author to include passages in which they're used.


Elsewhere new words including moobs (unusually prominent breasts on a man), YOLO (meaning 'you only live once') and squee (a sign of delight) have also been added in this quarterly revision. Plus, the rather delightfully crushed together version of forget about it: 'fuhgeddaboudit'.
