The Dalai Lama did an uncanny impression of Donald Trump on Good Morning Britain

His Holiness the Dalai Lama has done a Donald Trump impression on Good Morning Britain.
The conversation with host Piers Morgan goes something like this…
Piers Morgan makes an enlightening observation: “Donald Trump is a very controversial character.”
The Dalai Lama begins to snigger inexplicably.
Piers: “What do you think of him?”
The Dalai Lama: “I don’t know.”
But what he DOES know, as we then discover, is how to do a Donald Trump impression.
His Holiness the Dalai Lama has done an impression of US presidential hopeful Donald Trump on Good Morning Britain. (Yes, you read that right.)
It all began when host Piers Morgan made the enlightening observation that: “Donald Trump is a very controversial character.”
The Dalai Lama began to snigger inexplicably.
Piers said: “What do you think of him?”
The Dalai Lama replied: “I don’t know.”
But what he DOES know, as we then discovered, is how to do a Donald Trump impression.
First, he acted out the presidential candidate’s fringe (for want of a better word) and then he said: “And his mouth. Small.”
He then proceeded to hold his fingers in the shape of a small circle, representing Trump’s mouth, before bobbing them up and down in the air.
“That’s my impression!” he announced, much to Piers Morgan’s – and the world’s – delight.
The Dalai Lama also discussed Isis, saying: “Genuine muslim practitioner will not create bloodshed... I think there is too emotion, they should cool down.”
Piers Morgan then delivered the difficult news that Kim Kardashian has four times as many followers as His Holiness on Twitter, to which he simply responded: "Why? If she have more followers, good, no problem... Such famous people. I think, no ability to compete [with] my wisdom.”