Viewers will see numerous changes to their television schedules today as UK broadcasters react to Saturday night's terror attack in London Bridge and Borough Market, which has so far killed seven people and injured 48 others.


A white van hit pedestrians on London Bridge at about 10pm on Saturday, before three men got out and stabbed people in nearby Borough Market.

See changes to the schedules below, with further updates here as we receive them:

Changes are to Sunday 4th June unless otherwise stated


9am BBC News added, replacing The Andrew Marr Show. Programme extended to 10.15am and followed by Pentecost.

11.15am BBC News added, replacing Sunday Politics London.

1pm BBC News and Weather extended edition pushing Homes Under the Hammer until 1:35pm. From 1:35 – 16:55 all programmes will air 25 minutes later than billed.

5:55pm Extended edition of BBC News airing later than billed.

6:55pm One Love Manchester (airs as billed, extended by 10 minutes)

10.10pm BBC News pushed back by 10 minutes.

11.10pm Election Questions, later than billed.

Monday 5th June

12.40am The Women's Football Show, later than billed.

1am Film Up There has been dropped and replaced by BBC News.

9pm Question Time: Leaders Special added, replacing Doctor in the House.


10am Coast and BBC News added, pushing Saturday Kitchen Best Bites back to 11.15am. Great British Menu at 11.30am, 12pm and 12.30pm have all been dropped and replaced by Hairy Bikers Best Bits.

Monday 5th June

12.20am Robot and Frank replaces the film Savage and Question Time and Holby City run 10 minutes later than billed.

10.35pm Newsnight extended by 10 minutes.

Friday 9th June

1pm Wanted Down Under added, pushing Election 2017 back to 2pm, which will be followed by Eggheads at 6pm. Natural World previously billed at 4.30 and Antiques Road Trip previously billed at 5.15 have been dropped from the schedule.


Monday 5th June

1am Natural World added, replacing Timeshift.

BBC News

1.30pm BBC News added, replacing The Travel Show.

2.30pm BBC News added, replacing Driving Mexico's Economy.

3.30pm BBC News added, replacing al other programming until 23:30.

11:30pm The Papers


5.45pm Big Star Little Star added, replacing You’ve Been Framed!

10pm ITV News being extended to 40 minutes.

10.45pm Peston on Sunday added, replacing Election Questions. Unbelievable Moments Caught on Camera is being pushed back to 11.45pm, followed by Jackpot 247 at 12.45am.

Monday 5th June

6am - 9:25am Good Morning Britain will run until a later time, replacing Lorraine at 8:30am


Monday 5th June

11.05pm TT Blues added, replacing Halloween H20: 20 Years Later and FYI Daily.

Film 4

Tuesday 6th June


11.30pm Machete Kills being replaced with Love, Rosie.


Ellie HarrisonWriter,