Twitter couldn't handle the sass of Tim Farron's Bake Off burn during the BBC Election Debate
The Lib Dem leader said viewers were better off watching Bake Off with a brew than listening to the Conservatives

There’s been much ado about Theresa May’s refusal to show up to the BBC election debate (#WheresTheresa?) and her decision to send Home Secretary Amber Rudd in her place... even though Jeremy Corbyn chose to attend at the last minute.
But while yesterday's battle of the leaders was saturated with the usual sound-bites, vague promises and screeches of seven people barking at one another, there was one statement that really stood out.
At the end of the debate it was Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron who delivered the zinger of the night:
"Amber Rudd is up next. She is not the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister isn't here. She can't be bothered. So why should you? In fact Bake Off is on BBC2 next. Why not make a brew. You’re not worth Theresa May’s time. Don't give her yours."
Earlier in the day, the Prime Minister had made her excuses for not turning up – including that she couldn't possibly let herself be distracted by an election, even if she did call it herself. No, instead she is focusing on Brexit.
Twitter was absolutely delighted with Farron’s flair – including one Bake Off contestant…
There were, however, a few extremely disappointed fans who took pains to point out that it was NOT in fact the almighty Bake Off which was about to air on BBC2 – because, you know, it moved to Channel 4, remember? – but that Farron had instead pointed us in the direction of spin-off show, Creme de la Creme. Sheesh!