Two kids just gatecrashed their dad's very serious BBC News interview
Professor Robert Kelly was discussing South Korea when he was interrupted live on air

Professor Robert Kelly has had a rough morning. Appearing on BBC News as a commentator on South Korea's presidential impeachment earlier today, he'd clearly shut himself in his office for some peace and quiet during his filmed discussion.
It was all going well, that is until the door was flung open and in strolled his young daughter. He tries to bat her away, but – despite his best efforts – in sails another child to interrupt any attempts to discuss whether South Korea's relations with the North may change.
Spare a thought for his poor wife as she hurtles into the room in a panic and drags them away from their dad – and the camera.
Can't adequately explain how great this @bbc interview is. Just watch and enjoy
— Jack (@JackFilose) March 10, 2017
Happy Friday, folks.