Colson Smith, better known as Coronation Street's Craig Tinker, is set to release a documentary about his weight loss journey for ITV titled Bored of Being the Fat Kid.


Details as to when we can expect the documentary to land have yet to be released by the broadcaster, but the actor has opened up about the reasoning behind the documenting his weight loss journey and why it was important for him to tell his story.

He said in a statement: “In the past 14 months I’ve learnt so much about myself, most of this was learnt while wearing my trainers and pounding the pavement.

"Back in January 2020 I thought it would be a good idea to start documenting some of my days in order to keep me motivated and to look back on one day. 12 months later we started putting that together to make a short film entitled Bored Of Being The Fat Kid."

He added: "Originally I planned on just watching this film alone in my bedroom one day and almost saying, ‘Well Done Colson,’ but now I feel I have the chance to maybe help someone else who was in the same position as me.

"The documentary is all about my experiences with running, food, fitness and weight loss. The reason I decided to make the film is it’s my chance to tell my truth in my way."

Much like the actor, Weatherfield copper Craig Tinker has also embarked on weight loss journey for his health and his job on the soap.


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