Where to watch and stream Africa - is the nature documentary series on Netflix?
Find out where to watch and stream Africa, if Africa is on Netflix as well as your guide to the show and what it's about

Africa is a 2013 BBC nature documentary series exploring the wildlife of Africa. Narrated by David Attenborough, the series is a worthy addition to the BBC's already rich portfolio of nature documentaries.
It's well known that Africa is highly biodiverse and features some of the world's most fascinating plants, animals and other lifeforms, but this series shows that there is even more diversity of life on the continent than we could have ever imagined.
Where to watch Africa?
You can watch Africa on Netflix, BBC iPlayer, Google Play or Amazon Prime Video, or you can buy the DVD box set. You can also find episodes on iTunes.
What is Africa about?
Africa is a BBC series that explores the natural history of Africa. It begins in the south west, exploring the Kalahari and Namib deserts, showing the first ever film clip of black rhino socialisation at a waterhole at night. Not a bad start!
The second episode explores the Savannah, and how organisms have adapted to this fire-prone landscape over evolutionary time, with extraordinary results. Next, the Congo Basin's African rock python and forest elephants' lives are explored, and then Attenborough travels to the Cape to see how the meeting of two ocean currents - the warm Agulhas and the freezing cold Benguela - influences the biology of the species living there.
Episode five explores the Sahara, looking at naked mole-rats, Grevy's zebra, Barbary macaques, desert crocodiles, and a favourite for natural historians - the dung beetle.
The final episode explores the future of biodiversity in Africa, in a move that foreshadows Attenborough's current much more openly political stance on environmental issues. The difficulties involved in the conservation of species, habitats and ecosystems are explored and viewers are urged to join the cause.
The WWF, which worked with the BBC on the more recently released Our Planet series, has some tips for how to save the planet's wildlife.
Where in Africa is it filmed?
The series is filmed all over Africa, exploring a sample of the biodiversity of life from all corners of the continent.
How many episodes of Africa are there?
The series has six hour-long episodes, each of which has a ten-minute long accompanying mini-episode (called Eye to Eye) in which the filming method of the most spectacular scene in that episode is explained.
Who narrates Africa?
Sir David Attenborough narrates the series for the BBC, whilst Forest Whitaker takes over for the Discovery Channel version.
Attenborough is the UK's world's favourite presenter for all things biological, and hasworked with the BBC for over fifty years. He's a favourite of the public, critics, and scientists, and is the only person to have ever won a BAFTA in every category - from black and white to 3D. He's also had over 20 separate spaces named after him. That's quite a resume!

Forest Whitaker meanwhile is a Texas-born actor, producer and director who appeared in Black Panther as Zuri, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story and Arrival.