The BBC has upheld its decision to film a documentary about young dog breeders despite receiving backlash from over 57,000 petitioners.


BBC Three's Will My Puppies Make Me Rich?, which is currently in production under a working title, is expected to look at the doubling in puppy pricing during the pandemic, with filmmakers Sophia Slater and Helena Rochester following young breeders as they "try to build their businesses and make them reputable" whilst exploring the rise in "bad breeders".

Since the film was announced towards the end of November, members of the public have launched a petition calling for the BBC to stop producing the show, with over 50,000 people having signed at the time of writing.

The organisation of the petition objects to the documentary on the basis that some people see the show as a "how-to-guide" to buy dogs "for the purpose of breeding and making money", however they also admit that they "don't know what kind of angle it's going to portray" just yet.

"There are thousands of dogs in shelters needing homes, we do not need a programme that promotes breeding and selling puppies as a get rich quick scheme or a career," they continue.

A BBC spokesperson told "This observational documentary does not glamorise dog breeding, it responsibly examines the growing rise of young people entering the business and highlights the importance of good animal welfare, training and licensing."

"The production team are working closely with animal experts throughout to inform the audience of what constitutes good and bad practice," they added.

The documentary won the BBC Three Pitch at Sheffield Doc/Fest, which invites young filmmakers from the North of England to pitch in front of BBC commissioners and BBC Three Controller Fiona Campbell.


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Lauren Morris
Lauren MorrisEntertainment and Factual Writer