Dope is a Netflix original documentary series which gets close to drug dealers, drug users and police officers to tell the story of America’s on-going struggle with narcotics.


Where can I watch Dope?

Dope is available in its entirety on Netflix.

What is Dope about?

Each episode of Dope concentrates on a specific, localised drug problem. For example, episode 2 of season 1, focuses on Baltimore, in Maryland, because of the area's deeply ingrained heroin epidemic.

How many seasons of Dope are there? How many episodes are in a season?

There are three seasons of Dope. The first was released in December 2017 and the latest series came out in June of 2019.

Each season contains four episodes.

Are the stories behind Dope real?

The Netflix series follows real people in dangerous and illegal situations. Viewers were reminded of the high-stakes nature of the show when one of the men featured was recently imprisoned on drugs charges.

What is on the Dope soundtrack?

Dope’s soundtrack includes the likes of Casey Veggies, Nas and A Tribe Called Quest. A full playlist is available on Spotify.


Where is Dope filmed?

Episode one discusses cocaine in California, but the series takes in a variety of settings and substances. Meth in Indiana, Heroin in Baltimore and MDMA in Detroit.
