The BBC’s 2016 documentary HyperNormalisation contends that governments, financiers and tech giants have replaced the real world, complete with complexity and grey areas, with a “fake world” that’s made simpler by behemoth corporations and populist politicians.


Where can I watch HyperNormalisation?

HyperNormalisation is available on BBC iPlayer.

What is HyperNormalisation about?

Spanning politics – including a look back at the origins of Donald Trump's wealth, power and behaviour – Brexit and the war in Syria, the film asserts that politicians, journalists and the general public have all embraced a simplified and “fake” version of the world, as part of a process that has been taking place since the 1970s.

The documentary consists of nine chapters and was met with positive reviews. The New Yorker called the film: “A searching and essential document of our times”.

Who directed HyperNormalisation?

Adam Curtis both directed and wrote HyperNormalisation. He’s also working on two series’ for 2019, one of which is an as yet untitled collaboration with the band Massive Attack.

How long is HyperNormalisation?

HyperNormalisation is an epic journey in terms of runtime, at 166 minutes long.

Who stars in HyperNormalisation?

Many political figures appear in HyperNormalisation. Donald Trump, Henry Kissinger, Ronald Reagan and Vladimir Putin are all included.

What does 'HyperNormalisation’ mean?

Hypernormalisation is a term invented by Russian Professor Alexei Yurchak, to describe the fact that, during the final years of the Soviet Union, everyone knew the Soviet system was failing but no one could imagine an alternative system.


Is there a trailer for HyperNormalisation?

Yes, you can watch it below.
