Warning: This review contains spoilers for Channel 4's Inside Missguided


Ever wondered what it was like to work at one of the UK's biggest fast fashion brands? Well Inside Missguided: Made in Manchester is Channel 4's new docuseries inviting viewers into the offices of online retailer Missguided.

Filled with fun, fashion, lots of female empowerment and "disruption" - a term heavily used throughout each practice within the company - the four-part series might have you dusting off the ol' CV and sending it off to CEO Nitin Passi for a job.

The series begins by introducing us to some of the talented and extremely hardworking women employed at the company, with head creative, Treasure, one of the standout stars.

Despite leaving school at the age of 16, Treasure managed to build a career for herself at MG, saying: “I worked my way up and now I’m literally doing the dream job!”

And it's not just Treasure who oozes passion and seems genuinely in love with her job.

From the get-go, this seems to be a feeling presented by all the staff members, who bring their all to team meetings, work their butts off on shoots in sometimes sub-zero temperatures, and pitch to their heart's content to come up with some of the most innovative ideas in fashion.

Dreams definitely do come true at MG, with the staff gushing over the opportunities, including travelling to shoot locations and eating dinner in LA with A-list stars such as Kylie Jenner and Sophia Richie.

Working at MG seems to be an experience that money just cannot buy!

Set across the backdrop of LED neon lights and some pretty cool interior - there's actually a random box of glitter and a selfie hall at the headquarters - the Salford offices look pretty much like every girl or guy's dream office location.

And then there's the big-budget work events, like their summer party which all 332 staff attended after reaching over £20 million in sales.

Inside Missguided
CEO Nitin and his Missguided team

But it's not all hunky dory at Missguided as the series shows.

In 2018, the brand lost a whopping £26 million, which Nitin says humbled him, admitting: "I s*** myself!"

One of the worst times in the business, many lost their jobs and cuts were made.

Since then, the company have been working overtime to put Missguided back on the map and beat many competitors moving in on them.

And this is where is gets very juicy, with nothing off limits.

Inside Missguided
Gemma Collins makes an appearance in Inside Missguided Channel 4

From dramatic marketing campaigns orchestrated by Nitin and the amazing creatives at MG - think pink Lamborghinis and Missguided-printed Rolls Royce cars - to collections with influencers and diversifying ranges to fit women of all sizes, Inside Missguided shows how the world of fashion is changing.

Gone are the days of stick-thin models, with the team casting for an empowerment campaign which later went viral.

So often fast fashion is painted with one brush - a negative one - which Nitin points out throughout the series.

However, Inside Missguided helps to change this image, by showing how the brand are improving their practices with regular factory site visits and how they respond to the demand from social media and young people wanting to be dressed in similar fashion to the celebrities they look up to.

It's not about copying, as is often the view of fast fashion, but rather about making all women of ages, sizes and income levels feel good in what they wear.

Inside Missguided
Designer Zee Channel 4

And the proof is in the hard work that goes into picking a collection.

In one episode, new assistant buyer Lauren and buyer Shelley don't have it easy when it comes to picking Christmas dresses, with Nitin putting the pressure on them.

But when the job is done well, the team is always rewarded, with the CEO himself sticking around to enjoy the highlights with his team and cracking open a bottle of bubbly in the boardrooms.

They say never to mix business with pleasure, but if you ask us, Inside Missguided shows how this fashion brand has managed to strike the right balance between both. And succeed!


Inside Missguided starts on August 12th on Channel 4 at 10pm. If you’re looking for more to watch, check out our TV Guide.
