When is Louis Theroux: Life on the Edge on BBC Two?
Theroux will be the focus of his latest documentary.

Documentary filmmaker Louis Theroux is returning to our TV screens with a brand new documentary titled, Louis Theroux: Life on the Edge.
This time round, however, Theroux will be the focus of the series, rather than other people.
So when does the four part series start? And exactly what will viewers get to know about the award-winning filmmaker. RadioTimes.com has all the details.
When is Louis Theroux: Life on the Edge on?
The four part series will kick off on BBC Two on Sunday September 6th at 9pm.
The episode will then be available to watch on catch up on BBC iPlayer, and episodes will air weekly on the network.
What is Louis Theroux: Life on the Edge about?
The documentary will look back at a body of work spanning 25 years, and over 60 hours of some of the most distinctive and celebrated documentaries on British television.
Theroux has become known for his documentaries involving subcultures, people on the fringes of society, those who engage in life-endangering lifestyle choices, and subjects who live with mental health issues.
The series will feature interviews with him, as well as new conversations and catch-ups between him and some of his most notable contributors - many of whose stories have since developed in unexpected ways.
Theroux has also raided his own home movie footage and news archive to tell stories about the myriad of ways in which people behave or deal with adversity, human psychology, and how the world has changed over the last three decades.
What has Louis said about the new series?

The filmmaker revealed that it's been a long time coming for his latest documentary.
“For years I’ve wanted to go back and make sense of the programmes I’ve made, find out what happened to some of the contributors, update their stories, and see what all these many hours of making TV might add up to," he said.
"Lockdown gave me the time and space to do this. It’s been a strange and fascinating couple of months working on this, and especially fun to dig through old episodes of Weird Weekends - programmes I made in the mid-90s, when the world was a very different place.
He added: "I’m really proud of what we’ve been able to do with this new series. I think we’ve been able to make the whole add up to more than the sum of the parts and to bring out surprising themes and commonalities. And, if nothing else, it was an interesting review of how my haircuts and glasses have changed over the years."
Louise Theroux: Life on the Edge starts September 7th on BBC Two at 9pm. If you’re looking for more to watch, check out our TV Guide.