Professor Brian Cox on Doctor Who, Star Wars and how Tim Peake is inspiring a generation
The physicist and Stargazing Live presenter explains the power of science

Published: Friday, 29 January 2016 at 0:44 pm
Space has never been cooler. Last year saw a new Star Wars film break global box office records and millions tune in to watch Tim Peake become the first British astronaut to travel to the International Space Station.
For Brian Cox, it's all good news. The Stargazing Live presenter covered Peake's first space walk earlier this month and delighted in watching The Force Awakens – a film he says he's waited three decades for.
We caught up with the physicist at the Radio Times covers party earlier this week to hear what he had to say on Star Wars, space and the timey wimey dimensions of Doctor Who. Click play on the video above.

Susanna LazarusAssociate Editor,