The Grand Party Hotel featured a heartbreaking storyline as young couple Mark and Kaylea were married in a joyful occasion which had a cruel conclusion: the bride died two months after the episode was filmed.


Viewers were in bits over the couple's tragic story in the BBC One docuseries.

The staff at The Shankly Hotel were praised for the way they got the temporary bridal suite prepared for the couple.

Earlier, Kaylea was the absolute picture of an excited bride. "I'm not nervous, not at all," she said while having her make-up applied.

Their wedding had been a long time coming, she said. "Oh yeah, it's been ages, hasn't it? We've been waiting so long. It's about time."

Kaylea and Mark met when she was 19 and had been together 14 years.

She recalled the night they met: "I worked in a tax office at the top of this pub, and it was Friday so we all went down early. I seen him at the bar and I said to me friends, 'He looks nice'.

Mark said: "One of the lads said, 'Hey lad that girl's looking at you over there.' It's like a dead, old romantic way to start a love story."

She laughed: "I just walked over to him and just said, 'Hiya, got a drink?'"

The couple had a three-year-old boy and nine-month-old girl when Kaylea discovered she had stage 4 bowel cancer.

"It's been hell on Earth," she said. "I had a big operation and was told I was cancer-free. We went on holiday and had the most amazing holiday. And got back, came home, ended up ill two days later and then got told I'm terminal."

The couple, their friends and family and seemingly all of Liverpool helped create the magic wedding for them at the hotel.

The emotion was obvious as the couple entered the bridal suite.

Kaylea concluded: "You have to find the positives because, I mean, don't get me wrong, I have me moments and have me breakdowns... I've got two amazing children there, and an amazing husband to wake up for. They're me positives and that's what I wake up for."


The Grand Party Hotel concludes on BBC One on Thursday 15th October.
