If you've read about the Cambridge Analytica scandal and still unclear as to what actually happened and why Mark Zuckerberg had to publically testify, then this documentary could help you out. Here's everything you need to know about The Great Hack...


What is The Great Hack about?

The Great Hack covers the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica data scandal, in which consultancy firm Cambridge Analytica was found to have harvested personal data from Facebook accounts during the 2016 US election. The documentary looks at several people who have been personally affected on both sides of the scandal and how this could affect future elections and social media use.

Expect an informative look at a very relevant and important issue, plus to be challenged by thought provoking bigger issues around privacy and the use of data in a connected world.

In short, this is a film that is very relevant to a 21st Century internet audience...

How can I watch The Great Hack?

The documentary is available to watch now on Netflix.


Is there a trailer for The Great Hack?

Yes there is, it's right here...
