A new documentary series The Mafia With Trevor McDonald sees the veteran Broadcaster delve deep into the lives of the dangerous men affiliated with the American Mafia.


From undercover law enforcement figures who devoted their careers – and lives – to taking down the mob, to “made” men in positions of extreme and dangerous power within the secret crime organisation, Trevor takes us on an immersive journey into their day-to-day lives.

At home, at work, in the bars and restaurants they hang out in, and on the streets where brutal acts of violence took place, Trevor travels to New York, Miami, Philadelphia and Southern California to meet the men behind the mob who, in the majority of cases, have never before appeared on TV.

The broadcaster leaves no stone unturned on his mission to expose how the shockwaves of the Mafia’s operations spread to the lives of those associated with them, and meets the wives, girlfriends, sons and daughters of elite mob figures who suffered the consequences at home.

ITV’s Jo Clinton-Davis, who commissioned the documentary, said, “Trevor's journey into this shocking but compelling world, populated by larger than life characters and even larger than life stories will unravel the mythology of the Mob to offer a unique and revealing insight into its reality.“


The Mafia With Trevor McDonald is due to appear on ITV in the autumn.

