Where is Alastair Morgan now after the events of Murder in the Car Park?
What happened to Daniel Morgan's brothe?

Channel 4's latest true crime series, Murder in the Car Park has got us all talking.
The in-depth three part documentary series looks into the 1987 murder of private investigator Daniel Morgan, who was killed in an axe attack in a South London pub. There were no witnesses.
Since then, Daniel's brother Alastair and the rest of the family have fought tirelessly to keep the investigation open into the murder, as well as to highlight their misgivings about the way in which the Met Police handled the case.
But what has happened to Alastair between then and now?
The Morgan family were unhappy with the way Daniel's case was investigated from the very beginning - they believed that, as a private investigator, Daniel was on the verge of exposing something big, something people involved in his killing wanted covered up.
Along the way, Alastair has led the fight for justice as the family's spokesperson and has spoken out about perceived police corruption in the case. In 2018 he told journalists that his family had been “failed utterly by all of the institutions designed to protect us”.

Alastair has co-written a book about his brother's murder, called Who Killed Daniel Morgan? Britain’s Most Investigated Murder which is available on Amazon, and there is also an accompanying podcast, called Untold: The Daniel Morgan Murder, hosted by Alastair's co-author.
Alastair is active on Twitter, where he describes himself as a "Translator, European, anti-corruption activist". He has linked his profile to the website he runs, www.justice4daniel.org, which continues to fight for answers in Daniel's case. He took part in Channel 4's documentary and has praised them for airing it.
Murder in the Car Park continues on Monday night at 9pm on C4. To find out what else is on in the mean time, check out our TV Guide.
Head to Amazon now to buy Alastair's book: Who Killed Daniel Morgan? Britain’s Most Investigated Murder.