In an ambitious TV experiment, Channel 4 are teaming up with a group of keen model airplane pilots with the hope of recreating Britain's Britain's 'finest hour': the Battle of Britain.


Here's everything you need to know about Battle of Britain: Model Squadron.

What time is Battle of Britain: Model Squadron on TV?

The Channel 4 documentary runs for three episodes, starting at 8pm on Sunday 9th September and finishing on Sunday 23rd September.

What's the show about?

On the edge of Chesil Beach, the might of the Luftwaffe are about to take on their plucky British counterparts. Sort of.

Together, German and British aircraft model flyers are attempting to recreate the 1940 Battle of Britain, dubbed by Churchill as 'our finest hour' – using 1:7 scale radio controlled planes.

Model Hurricanes (C4)
Model Hurricanes (C4)

"This year is the 100th anniversary of the RAF, so what better time to celebrate a pivotal turning point in World War Two," explains Sara Ramsden, executive producer of the show, told Radio Times.

Although it might sound a little bit silly, it's not – everyone involved takes the whole process very seriously.

"The average age of a Battle of Britain pilot in 1940 was 20 years old," Ramsden says. "I hope we can bring the story of their achievement to a whole new generation of younger TV viewers.

"Their stories will be illustrated by the many young modellers of the same age that are coming to take part in this audacious TV experiment."


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