What time is Planet Earth II on TV tonight?
Everything you need to know about this week's David Attenborough natural history extravaganza...

As with every David Attenborough landmark natural history programme, Planet Earth II has captured the imagination of the nation with its breathtaking insight into parts of our world that we knew almost nothing about.
There's no question that this week's second episode will once again be the talk of social media as the British television public marvel at snow leopards and grizzly bears.
Here's what to expect from episode two of Planet Earth II:
Snow leopards are solitary creatures, though obviously they can’t remain alone all the time or they’d be closer to extinction than they are already. But their “courting” and mating are seen in some very rare footage as a female tries to protect her cub while caught between two very determined male suitors. It’s shockingly violent.
These are the rare beasts that so many documentary crews track but never spot. Here, thanks to remote cameras, we see them in all their silky glory.
Elsewhere, more comically, grizzly bears scratch against trees with joyous abandon, and flamingos mince, en masse, through a chilly lake, heads aloft, like a bowler-hatted dance troupe. Alison Graham
What time is Planet Earth II on TV tonight?
Episode two of Planet Earth II is on BBC1 at 8pm on Sunday November 13th