The Assassination of Gianni Versace, the follow-up to 2016's true crime drama The People vs OJ Simpson, debuted on BBC2 last night – and viewers were blown away by former Glee star Darren Criss' striking performance.


The second series of American Crime Story centres around the killing of the legendary fashion designer, but his alleged murderer, 27-year-old socialite Andrew Cunanan, is the real focal point, as the show's writers attempt to build a narrative around the crime and Cunanan's personal life.

Criss is undoubtedly brilliant in the role, creepy, manipulative and alluring all at once. Fans took to Twitter to lavish him with praise after episode one.

Fans were also rather fond of Penelope Cruz's portrayal of Donatella Versace, and are already hungry for more episodes.


The Assassination of Gianni Versace continues on BBC2 next Wednesday at 9pm


Ben AllenOn Demand Writer,