What made Broadchurch a cut above other dramas?


I was particularly impressed by the strength of the acting, especially by Olivia Colman and David Tennant, and Chris Chibnall’s script. The whole thing was refreshingly different from the run-of-the-mill police procedurals with which we are all too familiar.

Did you have a favourite performance?

Obviously the two stars held the series together impeccably. But I also approved very much of the setting – the Dorset coast – and the way the minor characters were developed.

Did you guess who killed Danny Latimer?

No, I didn’t guess who the murderer was. One of the subtleties of the script was that it kept you on the wrong foot all the time.

What the shortlist judges say

“It was destination television every Monday night, keeping you gripped and guessing all the way to the end, and the denouement was satisfying, which is extremely rare in TV thrillers.” Mike Mulvihill, The Times

The Radio Times Audience Award is the only prize at this year's Television Awards chosen by the public. The shortlist was drawn up by a panel of top TV critics but the final decision lies with you. Your winner will be announced on Sunday 18 May 2014 on BBC One.

Voting is open until midday on Thursday May 15 at radiotimes.com/bafta


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