Did Game of Thrones just reveal a massive new secret about Jon Snow's parents?
We knew NOTHING, Jon Snow

In series six Game of Thrones delighted fans by basically confirming that Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, heir to the Iron Throne (before his death at the hands of Robert Baratheon) was Jon Snow’s father.
But now the show may well have taken things a step further, and confirmed something even more important about the King in The North’s heritage.
If you’ve not watched season seven episode five, Eastwatch, then you’d best look away now and come back when you've seen it.
Ready? Ok.
It seems as though young King Snow may not just be the King in The North. Oh no. Because if Gilly’s unwitting discovery is anything to go by, it appears he’s actually the rightful heir to the Iron Throne.
Yep, the old R+L = J theory (Rhaegar Tarygaryen + Lyanna Stark = Jon) was given quite the boost when Gilly came across a record of an annulled marriage. A certain Maester Maynard, who apparently kept a log of absolutely everything he did, annulled a marriage for Prince Rhaegar (or Ragger as Gilly appears to have pronounced the name) and performed a new secret ceremony for him in Dorne.
Now, we know Rhaegar was married to Ellia Martell (sister of Oberyn) and that they had two children – Rhaenys and Aegon. Ellia, Rhaenys and Aegon died in the sack of King’s Landing (though rumour has it Aegon survived).
Rhaegar totally snubbed his lady wife at Harrenhal, though, and was said to have fallen head over heels for Ned Stark’s sister, Lyanna. The official line was that he kidnapped her and raped her before he died in battle and she perished in a pool of blood and roses on a bed.
But now it seems as though he may well have married Lyanna before she passed away. And that might just explain why after Rhaegar died in battle, his Kinsguard were still defending the Tower of Joy in Dorne.
Surely they should have been guarding the new heir, Viserys Targaryen, his mother, and his unborn sister, Daenerys?
Nope. Because they were actually doing their duty protecting the dead prince’s wife, Lyanna, who was carrying Rhaegar’s unborn son and – by virtue of the marriage – legitimate first-in-line heir to the Iron Throne, baby Jon.
Looks as though book readers had it right all along. Jon Snow ain’t just a secret Targaryen, but quite possibly a very legitimate one too. That's if the annullment holds up, of course. They're not exactly mad about dissolving marriages in Westeros, y'see.
Either way, we're curious about what will happen next and can't help but wonder how auntie Dany will feel when she realises her nephew might have more a of a claim to that throne than she does?
Game of Thrones Season 7 premieres on Mondays on Sky Atlantic and NOW TV at 2am, repeated at 9pm