Eight House of Cards employees accuse Kevin Spacey of sexual harassment
One former production assistant alleges that the actor sexually assaulted him

Kevin Spacey has reportedly been accused of making the set of Netflix's House of Cards into a "toxic" work environment by eight people who currently work or have previously worked on the series.
In an article by CNN, the staff members alleged that Spacey's "predatory" behaviour included non-consensual touching and crude comments directed at staff who were typically young and male. One former production assistant alleged that the star had sexually assaulted him during the earlier years of the show while he was driving him to the set.
"I was in a state of shock," said the man. "He was a man in a very powerful position on the show and I was someone very low on the totem pole and on the food chain there."
The accusations follow an allegation of sexual assault levelled by Star Trek actor Anthony Rapp, who told Buzzfeed that Spacey had made sexual advances towards him in 1985, when he was 14 years old.
In the wake of the report, Netflix announced on Monday that the sixth season of House of Cards would be its last. Filming was halted on Wednesday.
On Thursday, Spacey was dropped by his publicist and agent.
The star, who tweeted an apology after the initial allegation from Rapp broke late on Sunday evening, is currently seeking "evaluation and treatment", according to one of his representatives.