Feeling dizzy? You will be after watching the new Twin Peaks opening titles
Because how else would David Lynch start this show? (No spoilers)

Published: Monday, 22 May 2017 at 1:38 pm
The Twin Peaks revival is guaranteed to have viewers' heads spinning in just a few minutes. And it’s not down to a plot twist that only David Lynch could imagine: we're talking about the show’s new opening credits.
The calming yet chilling theme music remains as it was, but the visuals have had a fantastic overhaul. Instead of shots of the town’s machinery and a slow pan across the iconic waterfall, the new opening flies over the landscape before taking a dizzy plunge into the iconic red curtains and zig-zag floor pattern of the Red Room.
It’s disorienting. It’s weird. It’s perfect for stepping into the world of Twin Peaks.
And just for reference, here's the old cut...