The Twin Peaks revival is guaranteed to have viewers' heads spinning in just a few minutes. And it’s not down to a plot twist that only David Lynch could imagine: we're talking about the show’s new opening credits.


The calming yet chilling theme music remains as it was, but the visuals have had a fantastic overhaul. Instead of shots of the town’s machinery and a slow pan across the iconic waterfall, the new opening flies over the landscape before taking a dizzy plunge into the iconic red curtains and zig-zag floor pattern of the Red Room.

It’s disorienting. It’s weird. It’s perfect for stepping into the world of Twin Peaks.

And just for reference, here's the old cut...


Twin Peaks episode one and two are being broadcast at 9pm on Sky Atlantic this Tuesday 23rd May, and are available to watch on demand now. Episode three and four are also available via Sky On Demand
