

If you've been watching Game of Thrones since the beginning, it's fair to say you've witnessed your fair share of death. No-one is safe from the mightier-than-the-sword pen of George RR Martin, or from the imaginitively gory ways his ideas are splatterd on to the TV screen.

But just how well are those bloody, shocking moments seared into your brain? From the multitude of characters who inhabit Westeros and the lands beyond, can you remember exactly who died, who killed them and how?

Have you been watching with your hands over your eyes or have you seen the show, read the books and bought the Valar Morghulis T-shirt?

Play the Game of Thrones Game of Deaths to find out...

Warning: this quiz is not for the faint-hearted or for those too young to watch Game of Thrones


[playbuzz playbuzz_url='/pauljones10/game-of-thrones-deaths-quiz' /]


Paul Jones, RadioTimes.com
Paul JonesExecutive Editor, RadioTimes.com