There's a new Game of Thrones series six trailer — and it's even more fast-paced than the first, full of second-long shots of characters looking wide-eyed with fear...


As Daenerys stands in the Dothraki settlement, Drogon the dragon soars overheard, probably there to rescue his mistress. Meanwhile, the dreaded Ramsay Bolton is riding in front of an army, while Sansa is fleeing through the snowy woods.

There's also a shot of Brienne of Tarth, on horseback, battling someone in the rage-filled way she does...and given there's snow around her too, it's likely that she's trying to protect Sansa.

And things are clearly getting very serious in "the game of life" as Tyrion ominously calls it at the beginning of the trailer— because a giant storms through the gates at Castle Black, before we see Bran getting touched by The Night's King...


Game of Thrones series six begins on April 24th at 9pm on HBO.
