Happy Valley producers want more episodes when series three returns
Producer Nicola Shindler says she could see the series expanding the series to eight episodes, but only when creator Sally Wainwright was "ready to write it"

Writer Sally Wainwright has said we will have to be patient when it comes to Happy Valley series three, saying that she would need time to think about where the story could go next.
However, while we might have to wait, that doesn't mean the makers of Happy Valley are resting on their laurels. In fact, they want to be more ambitious than ever.
Executive producer Nicola Shindler said she could imagine the series expanding if and when it returns to BBC1.
"Everyone would love it to come back more regularly and everyone would love more episodes," Shindler said in an interview with Newsweek. "We'd probably go up to eight," she added.
The expanded series would be a first for the drama, which so far has had only six episodes each series: "It’s about whether the story can stretch that far without being manipulated. And whether it’s what Sarah [Lancashire] wants to do as well, it’s a really tough shoot for Sarah,” Shindler, who founded Happy Valley producers RED Productions, added.
Shindler explained that everyone, including star Sarah Lancashire, were committed to another series, but they were all ready to wait for creator Wainwright.
"It depends on the stories from Sally," she said, "when she's ready to write it, and we won't move forward with it until she's [ready]."