Episode two of ITV drama Liar was gripping. Last week we said it had potential; this week, it delivered.


Laura Nielson (Joanne Froggatt) came across as both courageous and vulnerable. And then there was Andrew Earlham (Ioan Gruffudd), furious and upset at these rape allegations. Screenwriters Jack and Harry Williams delivered twists and turns, leaving us even less sure about who is the "Liar" and who is telling the truth.

But what key developments could alter the course of the story? Here are the things you need to know.

Laura's social media post spiralled out of control

By waiving her right to anonymity, Laura opened herself up to all the vile abuse the internet has to offer: the delightful people who feel compelled to write "she had it coming" or "she looks like a slut"; the trolls who can reach right through the computer screen and punch you in the gut.

But the post also had its intended effect on Andrew Earlham, who was left rattled and upset and his reputation permanently damaged. His son found out he was accused of rape. His colleagues knew, too. Unable to concentrate on performing surgery, he requested – and received – time off from work.

Laura broke into Andrew's house... because that's definitely a good idea

To try to prove her working theory that Andrew had switched her wine glass for one laced with date rape drug PCP, Laura had the kind of brainwave that makes you yell at the TV screen with frustration. What if I let myself in to his house with the spare key hidden under the gnome and look for the drug while he's at work? No, Laura, no!

After breaking down in front of her class, Laura rank out in the middle of the school day. She jumped in her car and headed to the Earlham house. Having crept around and examined his belongings for a bit, Laura found a box under the bed containing a clear vial of liquid. Bingo?

But, of course, all this time Andrew was on his way home. He was in the driveway. He opened the door. There was shaky camerawork. It looked like he heard a noise upstairs, and the tension was unbearable.

Luckily Laura crept through the door and escaped – whew.

The drug in the bottle was a red herring

Warren Brown as Tom Bailey in Liar

Laura managed to persuade her ex-boyfriend Tom, a police officer, to get a warrant so that police could search Andrew's house for drugs. But that scary-looking bottle turned out only to be a bit of insulin, after all.

Andrew and his lawyer blew up about the whole incident, and the detectives investigating the case tried to warn Laura away from taking justice into her own hands.

How did Andrew's wife really die?

Whatever happened to Mary Earlham? Andrew's late wife died 11 years ago, apparently from suicide – but Tom did a bit of digging and found out that neighbours had heard a huge domestic row before she died. It was suspicious, but no one was able to prove anything.

Being a protective ex-boyfriend (who also happens to be having an affair with his ex's married sister, Katy), Tom tried to bring this to the attention of the detectives investigating the case. They weren't keen to hear it.

Later the detectives heard from the CPS that there still wasn't enough evidence to prosecute: it's Laura's word against Andrew's, and that just isn't enough.

The past is about to come back and haunt Laura

Joanne Froggatt in Liar
Joanne Froggatt in Liar (ITV)

In episode one, we had the throwaway comment about what happened before. Now we know a bit more about what this means.

A man called Dennis Walters gave Andrew a call, asking to meet up. "I think I might be able to help you", he said. "She's lied about something like this, and I'll be damned if I let her ruin some other damned bastard's life."

Laura also received a threatening text message from an unknown number which threw her completely off balance. There's definitely more to come out in the next few episodes.

Laura left her earring in Andrew's room

Oh no. At the end of the episode, Laura searched frantically around her room, looking for her missing earring. Simultaneously, Andrew leant down and picked the earring up from the carpet by his bed. DANGER.


Things are about to get a lot more complicated as the mystery unravels.


Eleanor Bley GriffithsDrama Editor, RadioTimes.com