Liar series 2 recap: All the important things that happened in episode 3
The ITV thriller is slowly revealing its secrets – but who killed Andrew Earlham?

More answers! More questions! An unlikely escape from death! The third episode of Liar series two was certainly eventful.
Here are seven major things that happened in the action-packed episode...
Carl thought he killed Andrew– but he didn't

The reason Carl Peterson (Howard Charles) has been acting so shifty is because... well, he was 100 per cent convinced that he'd killed Andrew Earlham (Ioan Gruffudd).
After breaking into Andrew's borrowed yacht (the "Hopeless Romantic") and confronting him with a knife and getting into a fight, Carl overpowered Andrew and cable-tied his hands behind his back. He then took the boat out to sea.
Once out on the open water, Andrew (unwisely) antagonised Carl by taunting him with details of wife Winnie's rape. Infuriated, Carl pushed Andrew overboard to his (presumed) death.
But Carl was not a happy murderer. He spent the next three weeks brooding, being curt to his wife, and getting increasingly paranoid about the crime – until he finally decided to set fire to the Hopeless Romantic, head to a remote cabin, and shoot himself in the head. (Thankfully he didn't follow through on that last part.)
BUT! Carl didn't know one key piece of information that exonerated him for murder. "The police have his time of death as six days ago, not three weeks," Laura (Joanne Froggatt) explained. "I saw him. After you threw him off the boat. I promise you, you didn't kill him."
Andrew made a ludicrous escape

"None of this makes any sense," Carl said. "I just don't understand how he could have survived that."
It's a fair point. As we saw onscreen, Andrew was thrown backwards headfirst deep into the sea, where he floated unconscious for some time as the currents brought him upright; he then came to, used up a bunch of air screaming underwater, somehow grabbed the scalpel from his jacket pocket, quickly cut his hands free from behind his back, and headed for the surface.
We'd love to see someone actually try that manoeuvre in real time without running out of oxygen.
Jen thought Carl killed Andrew – and she didn't tell Vanessa

Andrew may be dead, but his evil acts are still hurting his victims. Now it looks like he's causing problems between Vanessa Harmon (Shelley Conn) and wife Jennifer (Jill Halfpenny) from beyond the grave.
After pushing Andrew overboard, the first person Carl called was Jennifer. The two knew each other from a PTSD support group for former servicemen and women, and they often talked and gave each other emotional support. Now, Jennifer strongly advised Carl not to give himself up to the police – and not to let himself go to prison over killing such an evil man.
But this was something Jennifer also chose not to tell her pregnant wife, who also happens to be a Detective Inspector. And now DI Vanessa Harmon knows, she feels betrayed that Jennifer kept such a huge secret from her.
Andrew came back to threaten Laura

We've known for a while that Laura actually saw Andrew a couple of days after he went missing – a shocking incident that she reported to the police at the time. Now we know what happened.
Fresh from his near-death drowning experience, Andrew surprised Laura at the boathouse after she'd just come in from kayaking. Pinning her against a wall and cornering her between two sheds, he screamed at her about how she was supposedly responsible for his son's suicide attempt.
"You stole my life," he said, ominously. "Now I'm going to steal yours."
Could this have something to do with whoever later framed Laura? Could Andrew even hate her so much that he'd let himself be killed just so he could pin the blame on her...?
Katy told a lie

Katy Sutcliffe (Zoë Tapper) made an ill-advised claim to the police, in hopes of redeeming herself by giving sister Laura an alibi for Andrew's death. Unfortunately, her efforts seem to have misfired.
In episode three, Katy told DS Rory Maxwell (Danny Webb) that she and her kids had actually been via Laura's house on the morning of the murder, and seen her through the window. One of Katy's young sons backed her up.
But both Laura and estranged husband Liam Sutcliffe (Richie Campbell) know that Katy made all of this up and involved her children in the deceit. Both are furious at her, and that is surely bad news for Katy's recovery from alcoholism.
Something's up with Rory and his son

Mysteriously, DI Rory Maxwell and his son Greg Maxwell (Jack Colgrave Hirst) are suddenly having screaming matches – down the phone, in person, and through the night. They seemed on good terms until the moment in episode two when Greg took his dad off for a private chat down the pub.
What are they arguing about? We don't know yet. But it could be important.
New evidence! The sat nav and the shipping container
A couple of cliffhanger clues emerged at the end of series three. Firstly, DI Karen Renton (Katherine Kelly) found Laura's old sat nav in the car, and traced the car's previous journey to an interesting address full of shipping containers.
Then, when the police arrived with vans and dogs, they discovered something in one of the shipping containers that made the police dogs bark and DI Renton say, "My God."
"Get SOCO in here now," she yelled, while Rory shone a torch and looked alarmed. Why did she need a "scenes of crime officer"? Is it a dead body?
Liar continues on Mondays at 9pm on ITV