Clive Lucas - Sebastian Armesto


Local taxi driver Clive knows Trish rather well and he was ferrying passengers back and forth to Axehampton House the night she was attacked - could he be the mystery assailant?

If you've been watching Poldark in the past twelve months then you've definitely seen Sebastian Armesto's face before because he starred in the most recent series as George Warleggan's associate, Tankard. He's also had roles in Little Dorrit, Parade's End, Close to The Enemy and New Blood, along with big screen adventures in Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens and Pirates of The Caribbean: On Stranger Tides.

Leo Sawyer - Chris Mason


Leo isn’t too happy to meet Miller and Hardy when they come calling – could that be because he has something to hide?

Fans of The Fades will recognise Mason as Steve from the 2011 sci-fi drama, while to devotees of the Vampire Academy novels he’ll be better known as Ray. You might also have spotted him opposite Tom Hardy in Legend, thanks to his role as the Kray brothers’ cousin, Ronnie Hart.

Ed Burnett – Sir Lenny Henry


A quiet solitary shop owner never goes amiss in Broadchurch and Ed fills that role perfectly. He’s been living in Broadchurch and running the farm ho for about 12 years since the death of his wife and he’s more tolerated than likes. What’s going on beneath his seemingly calm exterior? That’s the question Hardy and Miller may have to answer.

Sir Lenny Henry needs no introduction for British TV viewers, thanks to his roles in numerous comedies like Chef! And the massive role he has had to play in Comic Relief. More recently he starred in Danny and The Human Zoo (which he also wrote) and the third series of Kay Mellor’s lottery drama, The Syndicate.

DC Katie Harford – Georgina Campbell


Young and ambitious Detective Constable Katie Harford is opinionated and over-confident, so it’s little wonder that she clashes with Ellie and Hardy as they investigate quite a sensitive case.


Campbell is probably best known for her Bafta-winning turn in BBC Three’s Murdered by My Boyfriend. More recently you might have spotted her in E4’s Tripped or in BBC1 drama One of Us.
