'Sunday night is Oswald Moseley night': BBC1's World On Fire is helping Peaky Blinders fans with withdrawal
Viewers spotted a recurring historical figure in the brand new Second World War drama...

Experiencing Peaky Blinders-withdrawal symptoms following the series finale? Never fear — BBC1 has provided the perfect antidote to fill your Sunday evenings, with plenty of references to make Peaky fans feel right at home.
Wold on Fire focuses on the “intertwining fates” of ordinary people from Britain, Poland, France and Germany during the first year of the Second World War, while featuring in England the facist blackshirts and their leader Oswald Mosley.
- Meet the cast of BBC1's World on Fire, from Sean Bean to Helen Hunt
- Everything you need to know about World on Fire
Real-life historical figure Mosley also featured in the latest series of Peaky Blinders and was portrayed by Me Before You actor Sam Caflin — and although the actor didn't reprise his role in World on Fire, Peaky Blinders still thought the reference made for a "seamless transition" for BBC1's Sunday night scheduling.
"So #PeakyBlinders ended with Mosley and #WorldonFire starts with Mosley? Accidental or clever scheduling?," Michelle Birkby posted on Twitter.
"Didn’t expect Oswald bloody Mosley to show up in what I’ve dubbed my replacement of Peaky Blinders on a Sunday night!," wrote Megan Phelps.
Helen Hunt leads the cast as an American journalist reporting in Poland, while Sean Bean (star of Broken, Game of Thrones and Lord of the Rings), Blake Harrison (of A Very English Scandal and The Inbetweeners) and Lesley Manville (of Mum and Phantom Thread) also star.
Do you think World on Fire has filled the Peaky Blinders-shaped hole in your Sunday viewing? Let us know on Twitter at @RadioTimes.
World on Fire airs on Sundays at 9pm on BBC1