BBC1 army drama Our Girl is back, with actress Michelle Keegan returning to the front lines as British medic Georgie Lane.


But despite the new Nepal-setting in series three, many viewers were kept captivated by Keegan's performance...

Even if some were questioning how Georgie’s appearance seemed unaffected by the earthquake…

However, while fans were happy to see Keegan back in action, one character was less welcome: Private Maisie Richards (Shalom Brune-Franklin), who joked about earthquakes by traumatised locals.

But some fans enjoyed the new dynamic that she brought to the drama...

So will Maisie and Georgie's relationship develop into something unforgettable? Or is the former just too bloody annoying for fans to enjoy? We'll find out more next week.


Our Girl continues 9pm Tuesday, BBC1


Thomas LingDigital editor, BBC Science Focus

Thomas is Digital editor at BBC Science Focus. Writing about everything from cosmology to anthropology, he specialises in the latest psychology, health and neuroscience discoveries. Thomas has a Masters degree (distinction) in Magazine Journalism from the University of Sheffield and has written for Men’s Health, Vice and Radio Times. He has been shortlisted as the New Digital Talent of the Year at the national magazine Professional Publishers Association (PPA) awards. Also working in academia, Thomas has lectured on the topic of journalism to undergraduate and postgraduate students at The University of Sheffield.
