Share the Happy Valley glory


You wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of Catherine Cawood because hell hath no fury like Halifax's finest scorned.

She solved murder cases, took care of the local ladies of the night and gave two female police officers the best dressing down we've seen on TV in ages.

Oh, and she tasered a human trafficker in the nether regions. Classic.

Special Mention – Ann Gallagher

Ann may have been the victim last series but she proved she's got what it takes to do great things on the police force, helping to identify a missing body and solve a murder mystery – all during her first year on the job.

The top tier cops may have shiny suits and decent desks but they couldn't even spot the murderer in their midst.

As the old saying goes, he's BEHIND you.

Never mind the serial killer, Tommy Lee Royce or any of those criminals Catherine encountered, Happy Valley's most nefarious villain has to be Vicky Fleming.

Her cold and calculated campaigns were incredibly clever, and certainly drove more than one man to distraction – and, in John Wadsworth's case, murder.

Special Mention – Frances Drummond

How scary was Shirley Henderson as Frances Drummond? The deluded pharmacist-turned-teaching assistant certainly knew how to manipulate young Ryan.

At least her heart was in the right brainwashed place though, eh?

Honestly, we rarely if ever had trouble hearing anything during series two, but we can't ignore the viewer vote.

Catherine Cawood may be mighty, but sometimes it's a little hard to hear what she says, apparently.

Never mind grinding your teeth and having a grumble, James Norton was positively foaming at the mouth as he gave out yards to Sarah Lancashire in the church.

It was the only scene they shared this series, but my oh my it was powerful

Watching the Cawood sisters go head-to-head in the street was absolutely heartbreaking – how DARE Clare shove Catherine around and leave her on the ground! Anyone else wouldn't have lived to tell the tale.

Special Mention – John & Amanda Wadsworth's post-affair showdown

The ferocious war of words between adulterous husband and wife duo John and Amanda was enough to leave any Corrie or Downton fan gobsmacked. Who knew Hayley and Mr Molesley could fire around words like "pox merchant" without blinking an eye?

Neil. Oh Neil. We ALL thought it had to be him from the minute Catherine refused to take a cup of tea from him.

And we were all oh-so-very wrong.

Matthew Lewis was utterly marvellous as the troubled Sean (that confession scene was really STELLAR) but there's no denying that his facial hair stole the show.

We've always maintained that tea plays a VERY important role in Happy Valley, and never was that more evident than when it bridged the language gap between Catherine and Ilinka.

We want Sarah Lancashire to pop the kettle on for us too.

Special Mention – The Last Cuppa

Who could forget the full breakfast and cup of tea Darryl's mum brewed him before… well… THAT scene.

We still haven't recovered from the farmhouse family showdown.

Special Mention – John's farewell


So heartbreaking. So brilliant. And utterly brutal.
